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How to chat without installing software

Here, you’ll see a list of a pre-compiled list that will be updated overtime whenever i find any new links that is related to, services that enable you to chat over a network without have to install any software on the computer that you are using, applicable to most of the office users. Do let me know if you found any more.

This is browser/web based ICQ chat client that provided by ICQ themself.


Being one of the popular one around the internet, eMessenger supports up to 3 type of protocol, MSN, Yahoo and AOL. But of course, with smileys, and icons as their feature, you’ll have to deal with bunch of ads floating around the browser.


Java Browser based client for MSN, which is not really on the funky side for the interface, but much or less enough for you if you just want to chat, much on the low-profile side, if you decide to hide and not let other people notice you chatting πŸ˜‰

A very super hyper powerful chat client, powered by AJAX. These dudes behind this project are really up to the ‘next’ thing. Going to soon support on various language, which is now, already sufficient to act almost-like the actual chat client, which supports, AOL, Yahoo, MSN and Gtalk/Jabber. Real cool, a MUST TRY!

Web Msn Messenger

Browser based MSN Messenger provided by MSN themself, the most-look-alike client that emulates most from what the original provides, but of course, if your place blocks this domain, i’d suggest you give a try at the other web based clients.


Another feature packed browser based Google Talk client, built on flash, you’ll be amazed on the performance and feedback given to you. Not only acting as a chat client, you’ll have access at one go, to your inbox, YouTube videos, Flickr’s Pictures. Very useful stuff.

Update 5/25 : If you are looking into more alternatives, the link below will take you further towards the rest of the online chat application.

Filed under: Tips

26 Responses

  1. varma says:

    hi…these are a bunch of usefulinfo. but i didnt find any site for g-talk without installation of any software.. if u find any such site please provide me the link.

  2. ManMeng says:

    hi there, suppose to work without you needed to install googletalk at all, probably you can try it.

    From this article( i found,

  3. Mariela says:

    oh thankz!
    this is great XD
    i looked everywhere

    i love your blog, especially the guide of how to open a door

  4. NITIN says:


  5. Roger says:

    These web based IM sites sure come in handy πŸ™‚

    My friends and I use eBuddy (used to be E-Messenger) at our high school. Its the only thing that works behing the firewalls. You can log onto MSN, Yahoo or AIM.

    I don’t think having ads is a bad thing. When you chat it does not make the experience any less.

  6. ManMeng says:

    regards there roger,
    Sure it does and it does helped me out of critical situation during working hours as they blocked IMs

    Well, thats when good technology are being put to good use


  7. sudhir says:

    how can i chat without installing a software.

  8. brittney19 says:

    hey im so bored lets chat!

  9. kyaelin says:


  10. samir says:

    can u pls tell me how can i use yahoo witout having to install it pls and thnx i now know how to use msn

  11. ManMeng says:

    hi there samir, you can use, it’s supporting yahoo as well

  12. Jitaroo says:

    I think the best web messenger for msn is

  13. augdam says:

    can someone tell me how can i log on to yahoo chat room from web chat clients?

  14. augdam says:

    oops missed on checkign the check box to notify me..can someone tell me how can i log on to yahoo chat room from web chat clients?

  15. ManMeng says:

    Regards there augdam,

    You can logon to the online client of Yahoo Messenger from :


  16. hassan wali says:

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